Monday, March 26, 2012

Sunday Hike

I must start by saying that I couldn't have all of the fun adventures that I get to have without my wife.  Usually I'm a minor pain in the rear but yesterday I was probably a little more.  She drove me about an hour round trip on bad roads to drop me off at Sleepy Creek Lake to start my hike and I am very grateful.  My intentions were to link up with the Tuscarora Trail in Sleepy Creek WMA and back track to fill in a section of the trail that I hadn't hiked.  I know I was on the trail when I was near the lake but I soon lost it.  I'm learning that trails in Sleepy Creek are not always well marked or maintained.  I found a trail that got me around the southern end of the lake and heading up Sleep Creek Mountain and towards what I imagined to be the Tuscarora Trail.  My understanding of the Tuscarora was that it stayed along the top of the ridge through that area but evidently I'm wrong.  When I got to the top of the ridge a trail was there but not the Tuscarora.  So I hiked south on the unnamed trail to hopefully link up with the Tuscarora which I eventually did but really only got to cover about two miles of it instead of the ten miles I had planned on covering.  I was able to figure out the Tuscarora's course through that area and will cover the parts I missed on another hike.  I did pass a test yesterday though, I hiked in the rain and stayed relatively dry.  I bought a cheap poncho from Wal-Mart and wore it over my pack with my bucket hat and it worked well.  I was prepared with a zip-lock bag for my phone and wallet and everything stayed dry so as a novice hiker I was pretty proud of that, and the fact that I hiked just short of 12 miles in the rain in a little over 4 hours.  I saw a turkey, several squirrels, tons of birds and one awesome salamander that I haven't had the chance to identify yet, but if anyone knows what it is please let me know.  I also found a lot of small animal scat in one area that looked about as suspicious as animal scat can look.  I could see small bones in it and I used a stick to tear it apart and it was full of what looked like small rodent and bird bones.  I'm pretty interested in what type of animal left it.  I still haven't seen a bear yet, but I'm on the lookout, hopefully I get a picture.  Next week is Spring Break and I'm pretty excited to get back out on the Appalachian Trail to continue my section hike.

Salamander in Sleepy Creek WMA. 
Trail markings in Sleepy Creek WMA

The southern end of Sleepy Creek Lake.

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