Monday, March 19, 2012

Sleepy Creek and The Tuscarora Trail

Sleepy Creek WMA
I've lived near Sleepy Creek Wildlife Management Area my entire life and had no idea they had hiking trails.  I had never heard of the Tuscarora Trail either, but recently learned that a long stretch of it passes through Sleepy Creek.  Most of my hiking has been on the AT, but I live 3 miles from Sleepy Creek so out of convenience I've been spending a lot of time there.  So every Sunday for the past 6 weeks or so I get up early and go over to Sleepy Creek and explore their trails.  My first hike in Sleepy Creek took me to a place called High Rock which is a huge rock monolith proably 10 yards high and maybe 60-70 yards long.  I climbed all over the rocks the day I was up there but would probably avoid it in the summer because it looks like a snake hideout.  I hiked with my brother in law to a spot named Pee Wee Point a few weeks ago and checked out the awesome views of the Back Creek Valley.  My true interest over in Sleepy Creek is the Tuscarora Trail.  The TT is a spur of the AT that was created in case the AT needed to be rerouted.  It is 250 miles long and leaves the AT in Shenandoah National Park in VA and rejoins the AT near Marysville, PA.  From what I've read online the TT is not always maintained.  I hiked the TT yesterday from Shockey's Knob to Shockeysville Road just to check it out and can say that it is alive and well in that area.  It appears that it is used by a lot of mountain bikers which has probably kept it pretty well maintained.  I didn't see any other hikers yesterday, I never see any in Sleepy Creek anyway, but I did see a lot of squirrels, birds, chipmunks and bugs.  The trail is pretty easy going with a few easy climbs and downhills.  With confirmation that the trail is there my goal for this summer is to section hike as much of the TT as I can, maybe 100 miles or so.  I do read that a lot of the trail is on roads which I don't care for because I'm there to get away not to mingle with the rest of society but I'll manage.  I'm a teacher and I'm looking at spring break being a big hiking week for me here in about 2 weeks.

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