Monday, March 19, 2012

First Post...

In my past life I was a basketball player.  I played in high school and continued my basketball career at Shenandoah University.  Towards the end of college my knees started to break down and after college I stopped playing and exercising all together and wouldn't you know it my weight ballooned.  So I decided I'd try my hand at being a runner to get back in shape.  I started with a mile or two and worked up to running 5K's, 10K's, Half Marathons and even ran with a group in a few 200 mile relays.  Running got me back in shape but I can't say I ever fell in love with it.  Competing in races is what kept me going. 

In my present life I'm a backpacker/dayhiker.  I wouldn't say a real hiker yet but I'm working on it.  I've hiked off and on since college but never put much thought into it.  My transition from being a runner to being a hiker is an effort to preserve my knees and also to find a little peace and quiet and escape my own reality.  In my reading I've discovered that a lot of hikers manage journals and blogs.  I've already hiked a good bit this year and have seen some pretty cool places.  The purpose of my blog is to keep track of where I've been and also hopefully make contact with other hikers and promote hiking as a worthy endeavor.  I'm going to log as many hikes as I can and take/post as many pictures as I can.  Any comments or suggestions are certainly welcome.

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